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Showing 1-19 of 19 Results
The Knowledge of God in the World a...
Douglas Groothuis
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
Amid the crisis of authority in our modern and postmodern era, Christians need to be able to point to God's revelation in the natural world in addition to defending God's unique revelation in the Bibl...
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Learning the Good Life
Jessica Hooten Wilson
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
'Anyone who fails to recognize that he or she has much to learn from the great thinkers of the past--including the distant past--is a fool. But it's not enough merely to acknowledge that we can learn ...
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Believing Philosophy
Dolores G. Morris
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
Believing Philosophy introduces Christians to philosophy and the tools it provides believers, helping them understand, articulate, and defend their faith in an age of unbelief.Philosophy has been a pa...
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Contemporary Theology Video Lecture...
Kirk R. MacGregor
Contemporary Theology Video Lectures features 38 sessions (on 3DVDs) and provides a chronological survey of the major thinkers and schools of thought in modern theology. A companion to the textbook Co...
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Contemporary Theology: An Introduct...
Kirk R. MacGregor
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
Accessible and comprehensive, Contemporary Theology: An Introduction by professor and author Kirk R. MacGregor provides a chronological survey of the major thinkers and schools of thought in modern th...
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Moral Choices
Scott Rae
Hardcover, Printed
'I regard Scott Rae’s latest book, the fourth edition of Moral Choices, as the most impressive work on Christian ethics that I have read in the last few decades. Written by an outstanding teacher and ...
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Christ and the Created Order
Andrew B. Torrance
“In the large and fascinating global conversation between sciences and religions, the cutting edge is often about specific doctrines or particular sciences. This outstanding anthology of experts in ph...
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The Essentials of Christian Thought...
Roger E. Olson
Christians disagree on doctrine, politics, church government, certain moral questions - just about everything under the sun, it can seem. Yet a unity remains, centered around a core outlook on God and...
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Kierkegaard, A Video Study
Stephen Backhouse
Gain a new understanding of Kierkegaard's thought and life, a story filled with romance, betrayal, humor, and riots, in Kierkegaard Video Lectures and the accompanying book, Kierkegaard: A Solitary Li...
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Dictionary of Christianity and Scie...
Paul Copan
Hardcover, Printed
Dictionaries are shaped by editors, and the editors of Dictionary of Christianity and Science have created a resource unlike anything available. Here the reader will find fair-minded summaries of cruc...
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The Essentials of Christian Thought
Roger E. Olson
Olson offers his readers a timely and powerful defense of a distinctively Christian metaphysics and teases out its implications for theology, apologetics, and cultural dialogue. It is a rich and rewar...
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Tweetable Nietzsche
C. Ivan Spencer
Ivan Spencer does the reading public a great service in his volume TWEETABLE NIETZSCHE by providing a very readable account of the basic and foundational thought of Nietzsche. While the style is popul...
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Four Views on Christianity and Phil...
Graham Oppy
I’m a big fan of the Counterpoints series by Zondervan. And this is one of my favorites. The expert will find insight and clarification, and the novice will learn the scope of the debate. All will wal...
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The Journey So Far
Peter Hicks
An accessible Christian survey of the history of philosophy for college students This introductory textbook on philosophy offers a chronological approach to philosophical issues from a Christian persp...
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Life's Ultimate Questions: An Intro...
Ronald H. Nash
Life's Ultimate Questions is unique among introductory philosophy textbooks. By synthesizing three distinct approaches—topical, historical, and worldview/conceptual systems—it affords students a bread...
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Think Christianly
Jonathan Morrow
Think Christianly is a remarkable and important achievement. Written in an interactive and accessible style, it covers an exhaustive range of topics. Indeed, I know of no other book like it in this re...
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Charts of Philosophy and Philosophe...
Craig Vincent Mitchell
Softcover, Layflat
Provides an in-depth, visual survey of philosophy—its ideas, movements, history, and thinkers—so that you can better see how it has impacted Christian thought and theology. Philosophy has had a signif...
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Faith and Reason
Ronald H. Nash
Christians should not have an inferiority complex regarding the academic or intellectual integrity of their faith and should understand that Christian faith is also a rational faith. Faith and Reason ...
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